Do Radon Fans Have to Run Continuously

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Do Radon Mitigation Systems Require Maintenance?

Radon Mitigation System Maintenance

Homeowners living within areas containing radon, oftentimes ask what the maintenance requirements are for their radon mitigation system. Concerns with maintaining your radon mitigation system are understandably high on the list of priorities when it comes to protecting yourself, your family and your time!

Fortunately, a properly installed radon mitigation system only requires occasional maintenance and can become a part of your home maintenance schedule easily, by checking your system's warning device regularly, ensuring that your fan is properly running and testing your home every few years to make sure radon levels are kept at bay.

Similar to a furnace, chimney or other continuously used items in your home, radon mitigation systems are self-sufficient on their own accord for the most part,  but do need the occasional check-in and tune-up. The average radon mitigation system utilizes fans to prevent radon gas from rising into your home from the foundation below. The fan pulls radon from beneath your home and pumps it through a pipe that runs to the outside of your home. Radon mitigation fans are one of the most important aspects of your radon mitigation system because their power and continuous work are what discharge radon from entering your house.  Since radon fans are constantly running, fan upkeep and maintenance are necessary, but many fans come with a warranty that will cover repairs and replacement for up to five years.

A properly installed radon mitigation system will have a warning device that serves to notify homeowners if any radon mitigation system failure occurs. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires that these devices be installed with all approved radon mitigation systems, so it is important for you to check to make sure that your home has this warning device installed for legitimacy purposes. You can check the functionality of your radon warning device in a few simple steps.  These steps should become a part of your regular check-up and maintenance routine. Checking your warning device once every one to three months to make sure it is properly working, takes only a bit of scheduling time on your part and is a rather simple and straightforward process.

The two most important maintenance strategies for your in-home radon mitigation systems involve the radon fan and your radon warning device; both rely upon the other and usually require only occasional check-ins to ensure proper functionality. Maintaining your radon mitigation system does not have to be a hassle. You can rest easy by following a few key pointers and tips from the pros,  to ensure your system is properly running to keep your home free of radon and your family safe.

Pro-Tips for Radon Mitigation System Maintenance

If your home has a radon mitigation system or you plan on having one installed (professional contractor installation suggested),  there are several pro-tips for maintaining your system to ensure you receive all the benefits from a well-tuned and properly functioning system that will save you time, money and your health for years to come. You can't put a price on your health and the safety of your home is a top priority, so following a few steps to ensure the functionality of your radon mitigation system is a no-brainer. Luckily, you don't have to be a professional to check up on whether your system is working properly. There are several DIY radon system maintenance tips that you can implement into your monthly schedule.

As previously mentioned, two of the most important steps in radon mitigation system maintenance are ensuring that your warning device and fans, as part of your radon system, are properly functioning.  In addition to checking in on these systems occasionally, maintenance on your radon mitigation system should include annual or bi-annual inspections by a qualified professional.

Checking Your Radon Warning Device

The EPA requires that homes with a radon mitigation system must include a radon warning device in order to be considered legitimate. A radon warning device is installed in your home to serve as a tool that will alert you if your system is not properly working. System failure alerts on your device can include,  but are not limited to, sound alarms, a dial with needle display for gauging radon levels, light indicators and liquid gauges. In most residential homes, the device that measures radon levels is installed on the vent pipe that assists in exhausting radon away from your home. The warning device should be installed in a place where it is easily accessed, seen and heard by those who live in the home.

A licensed contractor can assist you in understanding how your warning device works. The warning device should be checked by your contractor to ensure that it is functioning properly. Once you learn how to gauge whether your warning device is properly working, you check your radon warning device on a monthly or bi-monthly schedule.  If you see that the pressure is where it needs to be, you can rest assured that your system is working. If you notice that the pressure levels are off, don't panic. This would be the time to call in a professional to check your device and system.

Ensuring Proper Performance of Your Radon Mitigation Fan

The fans that run your system are basically the backbone and heart of radon mitigation in your home.  Radon system fans are constantly running to ensure that your home stays safe. Due to its constant work, fans may need to be replaced after five years or more, but it is a simple process for an experienced radon contractor. Radon fans should never be installed in or below a livable area; for instance, fans can be installed in an attic, but never in a basement. Your radon warning device will alert you if radon fans are not properly functioning, so checking your warning device regularly helps you to ensure that your fans are working. It is a good idea to have your home re-tested for radon every two to three years, which will include checking your fans functionality. Other than that, minimal maintenance is required for your fans and the check-ups for your fans can be tied into checking your radon warning device.

Important Radon System Knowledge for Easier Maintenance

Maintaining your radon system is a pretty hassle-free task. Performing a check-in on your radon warning device occasionally is about as much maintenance as you need to perform, in addition to having a licensed professional come out and inspect your system annually. Not unlike your furnace or HVAC system, radon systems can run smooth and steady in your home with preventative measures like annual check-ups.

If you are buying a new home with a radon system or are having one installed, make sure that the following is present during the time of your inspection to help keep your maintenance and repair costs down:

  • Radon warning devices should be installed in a place that is easily seen and heard.

  • If your radon warning device monitor shows that the system is not properly working, call a licensed radon professional to come have it checked out.

  • Exhaust fans should never be located in a living area or below your home.

  • Radon systems should always be clearly labeled.

  • Have your radon system check-in performed annually by a licensed professional.

  • Retest your home for radon every two to three years.

  • Your radon fan should never be turned off. It should constantly be running in your home to ensure that the system is working properly.

  • After a radon system installation, a post-mitigation test for radon should be performed within 30 days of install.

  • Ask your installer for warranties, maintenance instructions and operating guides if available.

Final Thoughts

Maintaining your radon mitigation system can be very straight-forward and simple. Preventative maintenance check-ups and proper installation goes a long way in keeping your home radon safe. Regularly check your radon warning device to ensure its performance, have your home tested for radon every two to three years and you'll find that radon system maintenance integrates easily within your home maintenance schedule.

To begin the radon reduction process, contact us for more information about radon mitigation services.


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